Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Learning how to medium of self expression for 2009!

Well, after hearing all this talk about..."His blog said this, and her blog said that, and, I wrote such and such on my blog... " I thought, "I want a blog too!"

So here I go...

Now what do I do?

That reminds me of a story that my Mom tells about the difference between me and my sister Elizabeth when we were little.

The story goes that I was always making friends where ever we would go. My sister back then was a little bit more reserved but was watching me all the while.
Well one day when we were at Disneyland my sister thought she would try out one of my "meet up routines." While in the bathroom she had the chance to talk to a little girl and after a minute or so asked her if she wanted to be friends. The girl said yes!
This suprised my sister who with a terrified look on her face, turned and asked my Mom " Now what do I do?"
Well almost thirty years have passed since then and my Sister has definitely learned the art of making and being friends. She is truly one of my very very best!
She is also a media~nista and can do things with a computer that I would only dream off.
But looking back at that bathroom scene with my sister gives me hope~ if she can come to where she is from "Now what do I do?" then maybe there is hope for me after all on the computer!

For anyone intreastead or brave enough to read on! I'll tell you two important facts- well three.

First thing to clear up...I CAN'T SPELL!!!! I admit it. If you have an aversion to being friends with someone spelling challenged log off now!

The second thing...I try and I think I'm getting better, but so far I have a very hard time being short with my words. There is just so much to think about, so much I feel, ahh~ I can feel myself waxing philosophical already. I'll stop for now.

The third thing...I love allot! I feel allot! and I love to share allot! ....that's five things. Oh well...

So, with that said, to whoever’s still reading... I hope you find something worthwhile in all of this and that I do too!

To amazing abundant life!!!
A ; )


  1. Welcome to the wold of blogging. So far, so good. And just so you know...there is a spell-checker in the blog editor! Wendy D.

  2. Ack! Your beauty is blinding me (as always).

    Welcome to the blogosphere. As for the question, "What now?" just go where it leads you.

    (This is Lizzy from Seattle)

  3. I can imagine that this is going to be REALLY good for you (and your readers) ...

  4. I just noticed this comment section...thanks!
