Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So...I've decided to become a serious blogger.
Today my friend said to me,
"You really do fun things with your turn on earth,"
and I thought, she's right.
I have the most amazing life. I have learned incredible things, have been lots of fun places, know the most inspiring people, many who I have close friendships with.
To say I have a rich and colorful life is an understatement.
So though I've been diligently recording much of my experiences in my journal for the last 22 years, it seems it may be a nice thing to share them for a change.
So here I go.
I'm not sure where this will take me, if anyone will really even read what I write...but no matter, I'm puttin' it out there!

Who ever wants to join me...welcome!
I'm excited- as usual, to see what this new adventure leads me to create...

So until tomorrow...
here's to Abundant life and creating AMAZING!!!!