Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting my head right...

Luke: But this is different!

Yoda: It is only different in your mind... Unlearn what you have learned.

Luke: I guess I can try.

Yoda: No! Try not! Do or do not. There is no TRY! Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size do you? And well you should not. For my ally is the force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us.

Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter!

You must feel the force around you. Here. Between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yest, even between the land and the ship...
Feel the force.

Luke: You want the impossible!


Luke: I don't, I don't believe it!

Yoda: THAT is why you fail.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Andrea's Smiling

I suspected this day might come. That I would be writing on my blog, entitled 'Andrea's Smiling' without much of a smile.

And so as I sit here and contemplate all I have done in this day to combat my discouragement, I feel happy-er because I see that I am choosing, and feel how choosing is powerful!

In the past if I had a day like today...( I'll spare you the details) I most likely would have have started in a downward spiral. Instead of writing this blog, for instance, I would most likely have gone to read MSN-BC. You can imagine how cheered up I would be after doing that.

But now, when days like today come I do something different.
First, I let myself feel what I'm feeling. I often acknowledged it by spending a little time writing about it in my journal. When I've decided I've got it all out of me and am ready to shift...then I focus on what I want.
I recited some of my favorite "keep going" poems, listen to good music, make some phone calls to others who are struggling and encouraged them. Post positive comments on facebook to cheer up others. And today something new...I read my friends blog and that cheered me up!

It is so evident that we humans are going to have opposition. It doesn't' matter how positive you are or what your life circumstance is...there are going to be challenges.
I am seeing that for me, many of my challenges are self made and HUGE because I am living full out and taking big risks. I guess it's sorta like someone who decides to climb to the top of the mountain instead of climbing just to base camp.
People might think...stop complaining and just climb down if you don't like it. And they have a point.
I don't think there is a right or wrong/ better or worse way to be. We each have our dreams.
And the reality is, if a person falls from the top or on the way up it's going to be A LOT farther fall than if they had played it safe.
But I can't help but focus on the truth that when one makes it to the top it feels soooo amazing because of the sacrifice and risk!

Just writing this helps me. It is reminding me why I have these situations that cause me "stress." I chose this!
And it is because of my absolute commitment and desire to live full out, to play big, and not only that, but to make a grand difference!
I believe wholeheartedly in my ability and capacity to create amazing, and I guess that is worth some scary moments.
Yes. I'm back in feel now and I remember.
This truly its worth all the faith I can muster!

"The future belongs to those who believe in the quality of their dreams."
~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Friday, April 2, 2010

loving it all!

So after years of trying on many things, looking and wondering, I finaly found my vehicle...the thing that is enabling me to create on a larger scale my vision of what is possible. I didn't know that was happening when I started my buisness last October, but that is definitely what is happening! Honestly, out of all the many endeavors of my life, besides having a family, creating this has brought me more joy and fulfillment than anything else I've ever done.

It is the greatest feeling to wake up and have a clear sense of vision and purpose and to know I am creating something organicly ME! I am finding and using talents I didn't know I had. I am also finding out that I thrive when I have measurable goals, a finishing line if you will.
Creating this business is pushing me to a whole new level of thinking. Through this process of being accountable and being clearly able to see when I reach my goals and when I don't, I am getting a glimpse of what is possible and how effective I really can be if I choose. This new confidence, assurance, and sense of responsibility is helping me to be better in all the rolls of my life.

What do they say? "Want something done, ask a busy person." I am learning first hand, that when someone really wants something they will make the time or the money or resources it takes.Truly where there is a will there is a way, and my will is getting stronger and stronger.

So whatever it is that you decide is right for you...the thing I feel is most important is to be so absolutely excited about it. Love it! When you find this sense of purpose it will not detract from your previous commitments it will enrich. When there is a clear sense of direction and purpose there will be joy. So don't settle! You are worth the time it will take to reach deep in your soul to discover what is there for you, what you really want to create?

I know in terms of Mothering, I have always said that I want my children to know that they can do and be anything they set their minds to, and not because I said so, but because I did it. As I get a clearer and clearer sense of who I am, and as I stand in that space more and more oportunity's are opening up for me to reach and stretch and become even more. Life is full because I am really living my vision. I am step by step working towards fulfilling my mission. I am finding joy, gratitude and trust for whatever is in the moment. My intention is that as I get better and better at being consistent in these things, I am able to assist others in doing the same...especially my children.

I love life! I do.
I am excited to be on this planet with you.
May we each remember who we are, and who we can be, and then use all the power that comes from being firm in our knowing in helping each other home is my deepest desire!

To abundant life!

A ; )